Alvin Ailey was amazing. And enough of the physical language of it comes from the same place that Graham technique does that I was sort of able to tell Patty what it is I used to do. (We're not going to Graham at the Joyce this week because I don't love the program of works as an introduction for anyone and I HATE the seats that are left available right now).
Then we went to L'Express and sat in the area we've dubbed the gay section, because we keep winding up there with other gay couples (there was a straight one too this time).
Then we came home and laughed ourselves sick over this review of Red Dead Redemption and the video of the weird ass glitches.
Today it's Costco with mom, Farmer's Market with Patty, and some yet to be determined evening activity.
Kali's right, this World Cup commercial is the fuck brilliant, even if you don't get all the jokes.