Title: Training
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: NC-17
Stuff you should know: Written for
kink_bingo. Prompt: obedience. Also contains off-label use of sleeping pills, bondage, orgasm denial and gags. Oh god, this is why people use pseudonyms for their fic, isn't it? Hi, Internet!
'You know what your problem is, Ianto?' Jack asks, bouncing a pencil against the edge of his desk. It's annoying, and Ianto knows it's intended to be; for all he pretends otherwise, Jack's incredibly aware of the people around him. )
Comments 43
Like most things in my life, this suffers from the "hours in a day" problem, but it's not impossible that I'll come back to this either directly or in similar tone.
I love this kind of stuff and periodically I get stuck on writing my own -- the usual, am I clear? Are the dynamics balanced well? And it's nice to see other people's writing on intense power play.
Oh god, this is why people use pseudonyms for their fic, isn't it? Hi, Internet!
Yeah, it's weird to balance, especially when it's Ianto who's so fucking stubborn and forceful and pretty good at recognizing when something's a bad plan and yet also loyal, likely to get in over his head, and prone just rolling over for Jack. I fully intend to write some of these where the dynamic is reversed, but I haven't quite hit those squares yet.
Writing Jack's speech patterns is about the most fun thing for me EVER.
oddly, I think this is my favorite set of lines:
“And no one's ever told you how.” It's not a question, except that it is.
Ianto nods.
“Bastards,” Jack says quietly.
hmm... says faaaar to much about my thought process i think. Still, it also says layers about Jack and what's behind all of this.
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