Title: Red and Fourth
Pairing/Characters: Jack/OMC, Jack/Ianto
rmRating/Content: NC-17; BDSM
Summary: Jack has a rebound relationship. Because Jack is a fuck-up it lasts for 45 years.
Wordcount: ~3300
Author's Note: Thanks to
kalichan and
tsarina for sitting through 800 different spellings of Lashansky and reassuring me I was on the right track.
Jack is two years out from Cardiff the first time he meets Martin Lashansky. )
Comments 96
Martin Lashansky has seen a lot of things break a lot of people: pain, sex, affection. A story, though, that's something new, although he knows he shouldn't be surprised.
That's the line I need to think about. A story encapsulates -- summarizes and paraphrases -- the pain, sex, affection, other things that break someone. The story attempts to make sense of the breaking, and by making sense, heal. But it also keeps breaking, each time it's told. Each recitation lances a wound, cutting to repair. I'm suddenly reminded now of Frankl's Man's Search for Meaning, which I should read again. I read it in high school 30 years ago.
I'm not a huge fan of the structure but I definitely loved what I can only assume is your personal concept of his back (future?) story. For something so quiet, there was definite momentum. Beautiful.
And the ending!!! Perfect!!!
As Ianto Jones.
Ow ow OW. Thank goodness Martin Lashansky (who, by the way, has some extraneous periods after his name) had the insight and patience to help.
I love the idea of people calling Mars “Red and Fourth,” and the weirdness of any green thing being considered a nuisance plant, and the idea of Jack serving as a majordomo for the foremost bordello manager matchmaker on the planet.
My head is full of commentary about sex and love and mourning, my meaning of which I'm sure you can suss out.
I needed this tonight, thank you.
Thank _you_.
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