The following is a list of things I should never, ever have to say. As someone who attends many, many cons for professional and personal reasons, it should be noted that I, in fact, almost never have to say them.
Yet, every single one of the issues raised below transpired at this year's Lunacon (either to me directly or as reported to me by
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And this - “Do not raise your hand and keep it up for twenty minutes starting before the panelists have even introduced themselves” - just bewilders me. What were they so desperate to ask?
a) Would you read my book?
b) Can you tell me how wonderful it is?
They were raised by the Banderlogs.
I would expect applause and cheers from the audience, and the person to leave in embarassment or anger.
The court of public opinion having spoken, we'd get on with the item.
Yes, it's a sort of bullying, though I like to think of it more as the newspaper swot on a puppy to teach it not to crap in the middle of the floor. I could be wrong.
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