Aug 12, 2004 19:11
First thing I get out of Chris today, after telling him that we need to re order stock was 'fuck it, I'm going home'
He did not however go home he bloody well stayed, and he bloody well did the re order, even though he handed it to me THREE times incompleted.
He is unimpressed that I a mere Girly who is 12 years younger than him was giving out orders. HE 'WILL BE HAVING WORDS WITH RICH ABOUT THIS'. and I care because?
If he was up to scrtach, or better at the job than me do you not think that he would have been left in charge.
God, I had 'I'm bloody going home, I've had enough' about 50 times today, all talk and no bloody trousers that one.
At quarter to five after listening him moan for the 100th time I told him to piss off home and he went.
I Had to do three people's jobs (that's including mine BTW) because they weren't in, I didn't stand around moaning I got on with it, it was stressful but I did it, could Chris not have given me that littlest bi of help or support? no.
He can tell Rich whatever he wants, but I'll be in to see Rich before him god damn it, he's really pissed me off today. And I've got to put up with it tomorrow too, GOODIE.