Jun 17, 2011 00:28
1. The first character I fell in love with: Zero.
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Kaname! I love this cruel, cruel, sadistic, manipulative, and masochistic bastard! 8D
3. The character everyone else loves that I don't: Kaito. Sorry, but after countless fics done my obsessed weirdos, I just couldn't take it anymore.
4. The character I love that everyone else hates: Kanameeeeeeee~~~! Please me MOARRRR EVILLLLLLLL!!!!! *A*
5. The character I used to love but don't any longer: Hmmmm. Zero? I don't know, but I still love him not as much as I used to though. Reasons: FANS.
6. The character I used to dislike but don't any longer: No one. My feelings for everyone didn't change, but for Kaname and Zero.
7. The character I would shag anytime: Kaname and Zero! Though I would like it if they shag each other instead. :DDDDDD
8. The character I'd want to be like: Hmmmm. No one.
9. The character I'd slap: Yuuki. For all I care, I'd like to drag her by her hair in an underground dungeon and torture non stop until she can't scream anymore. OHHHHH YEAH. 8DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
10. A pairing that I love: KanamexZero/ZeroxKaname. The only yaoi pairing I truly wish it exists (in canon). Wait. I thought it did? XD;;;
11. A pairing that I despise: Hmmmm. Canon pairing, right? Zeki? Yume? Would be both, but more like Zeki because Yuuki is not very deserving of Zero but then again, it goes for the same to Kaname. Yeah, I just pick both.
12. The characters that must and mustn't die: Kaname, please leave with Zero FOREVERUUUURRRRR and forget that Mary Sue Yuuki!!!! O*A*O Yuuki. I'm sorry to say, but please go to fucking hell.
13. The characters that shouldn't have died: Hanabusa's father I guess. I loved how Kaname finally started killing someone. Woot! Killing spree!!! Kiddingggggg. Righttttt. :DDDDDD
Too lazy to add pics. OTL. People are more than ready to copy/get/steal/ whatever you want with it.
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