rambles, spec and spoilers, oh my!

Aug 30, 2012 14:32

As we draw closer to the season premiere, I figured I'd jot down some feelings that have been spinning inside of my head.

First of all, i am so going to miss Amy and Rory. These little Pond Life vids have made that clear. I don't know what will happen to them, but whatever does, I just don't see how the Doctor can just move on without them. Therefore, I hope there is no sad ending. No death, just a clean break. Cause I'm not sure I could deal with it, if they off the Ponds. I don't see how he could just lose them and then pick up the newbie. But we'll have to see about all of that.

I've also been watching season six on demand and yeah. They are his bffs. It'll be so weird to see him go through the whole I'm the Doctor, last of my kind, etc speech again. I've gotten so used to the closeness between the three of them, that I can't imagine it will be easy for Eleven, when they aren't right there anymore. :(

I have some theories on what goes down- We know that the Weeping Angels come back and that "not everyone gets out alive". I hope the Angels go back to how they were in Blink- they throw you back to the past and let you die there. If so, then I think it would be awesome (read: HEARTBREAKING) if Amy and Rory were sent off to two different years. Like, Amy goes back to the 1700's and Rory ends up in the 1800s and in different countries too. How sad would that be? Of course, I don't see how the Doctor can't just scoop them up and reunite them, but the sadness could come from him being too late with one of them? Or he can't get to them for whatever reason. I just think that would be so sad if Amy and Rory were seperated by centuries.

As to the teaser we got- when Moffatt says that the Doctor doesn't realize that Amy needs reading glasses- I have three thoughts on what that could mean:
1. he can't see it. He's Peter Pan and he needs them to remain Wendy. He just can't see them getting older, he still thinks of them as the Ponds.
2. He won't see it. If he sees it, then it means they aren't the Ponds anymore. They are grown ups. And what does Mr. and Mrs. Williams need with him? he needs them to remain the way they are, so he just lives in denial.
3. If he does see it and acknowledges it, then it means he'll be on his own again. Cause they won't need him. And he hasn't been on his own since after Donna. They are his family and he doesn't want to let go. so he just pretends he can't see how older they are getting. Cause if he does, he knows he's a step closer to losing them.

I don't even want to go here, but what if he does keep getting their time wrong and he goes too far into the future and he busts into the house they live in, only they've died? Amy's story is similar to the girl in the fire place, why not round it out by having Eleven go to their house only to get the news that he is finally too late. And the heartbreak comes from seeing him at their graves? Just thinking that rips me to pieces, I don't know if I could handle that on the show lol But it would play nicely into the whole- he keeps time jumping them. You gotta figure he'll go too far at some point.

Whatever happens, I am so going to miss Team Eleven. I think they've come a long way and it's going to be so strange not to see them pop up. I would like to see how he is with a new friend. I'm sure we'll all be devastated no matter what Moffatt does. Just, try to be kind, dude.

Of course I am dying to see River again. I hope the Doctor will finally be nice to her. And I wonder if he will acknowledge their marriage? Is it a joke (since it happened in an AU) or do they take it seriously? Does River know what happens to her parents? Will he tell them about the Library? Can we see Prof. Song before she goes? I hope the newbie doesn't mean that we won't get to see River again. Curious to see how she handles the newbie post her parents.

I cannot wait until Saturday! I have missed the crap out of this show. <3 Bring it on, Moffatt, bring it on.

spoilers sweetie, spec, rambling about tv again, doctor who

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