
Mar 15, 2012 20:57

I don't think I will ever come down from this high. I have missed this show SO MUCH and now it is back and I can not even.

This was a pretty tame episode, I wonder why they leap frogged this one instead of next weeks? Their continuity will be shot to hell. Huh.
 BUT, I really don't care cause I can't even judge this one right. THEY ARE BACK BB!!
 I loved Troy and Abed becoming "normal" and how Troy got Abed to go back to being weird. Never stop the Inspector Spacetime talk, show. NEVER.

I was apprenshive about Britta and Jeff hating on weddings, but it was actually fun. Oh, Britta. Maybe if when her therapy fails, she can open a wedding business? That was so pretty! And girl, just cause society wants people to be married, doesn't mean she has to be. And her marriage would be different *pause for understatment of the year* so she shouldn't sit there and try to compare or compete with anyone else. Though, Britta turning into June Cleaver is hilarious. I wonder where she can get some pearls to wear? lol

And, I see what is lurking in Jeff Winger's heart. How many pics of Annie were there? About three or four? And of course, her boobs. *side eyes* Uh-huh, show. Please make them cannon soon!
That scene where she was telling him to look inside himself...:) I MISSED THEM.

I'm glad that Shirley told Andre that it was not going to be like before. It's about time this show gave her something else to do. I hope her business goes well. Though, with never know.
Also, that is so sad that he is no longer Hawthorne Wipes. Huh. What are they going to do now?

I just want to snuggle this show to death. I am so happy to see it back on my screen. :) <3
Also, I love how Jeff was busting a move. <3 And wow, on him confessing that because his parents broke up, he doesn't believe in marriage. That makes sense. I guess that is why he has not been in a real relationship (I refuse to remember Slater. *refuses*) maybe that is another reason he doesn't think he should like Annie. It's not just her age, it's the whole relationship thing. Huh. I hope his thearpy helps and that they all help him. Not just Britta. I want her to be her own person and not just to react to whatever Jeff is doing.

Gah! Who cares? I LOVE THIS SHOW AND I AM SO GLAD THAT IS BACK!!!!!!!!! *clings*

episode review, community, squee

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