
Feb 04, 2012 12:08

So, was this entire episode just a way to rehash the incredibly boring Amy storyline or to make them even?
And if they wanted to surprise the auidence, stop putting spoilers in the THEN. *smacks show* It was easy to figure out that this was Sam's "Amy" moment. Oui.

I don't know what to think about the "ghost" stuff. Why would the reaper have given Bobby a choice when I thought (and this godawful show spent so much time harping on in the past they refuse to remember) that regardless, if you burn the bones, you do not become a ghost? If you can stay behind, then what the hell is the point of burning bones?
Or are hunters different? Was Bobby super special or is not him at all? I assume they have burnt all their friends, so I don't know.

But I know that Cas comes back. So maybe it's him? We know he can be invisible so...and I guess he could have knowledge of the Amazons.
It'd be nice if it were my bb, for I miss him so, but what the hell. Why kill him if you are going to make him your little ghost buddy?

Also, BRING BACK THE IMPALA. I miss her.
And at least they actually played that AC/DC in context. I never understood why that opened their fourth season. Seeing Dean ripped apart...I guess he was shook all night long? *eye roll* Idiots.

When Cas returns, I pray this show gets interesting. I doubt it, but I need to believe there is a reason to this forgettable season. *heavy dramatic sigh*

spoilers sweetie, episode review, spec, supernatural

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