how i met your mother

Nov 15, 2011 08:50

Okay, like, my emotions were all over the place right before this aired. I was on the edge, man and this fucking episode tipped me over. I haven't ever cried or wanted to cry over this show. Couldn't see myself ever doing it, save their final episode. And even that is iffy at best, but then we get to the end of this episode and I am sobbing like an idiot. It was half them, half Community.
  I don't even know how I feel about this episode. It's all over the place. I cried, laughed, raged.
I remember reading about how this season was supposed to be "fun" and "frustrating", well I haven't seen anything resembling fun, yet so I assume that's coming up then? *kicks show*

I have a major, major fucking problem with the writing of Robin. It's fucking season four and five all over again. And the bad part of season four, when Barney would forget about loving Robin.
I was so looking forward to finding out how she feels about him this season and instead we are given...this.
 So, she tells this therapist that she's in love with someone and she can't be with him. For some reason this therapist decides to break all the ethic codes, I'm assuming he knows about, and dates her.
He spends a lot of time with her friends and has even picked up on somethings- the painting ep and how they interact, then last week-why barney wanted to take off the ducky tie.
YET this same observer is too stupid to see the fact that his girlfriend is in love with her friend. The same girlfriend who TOLD him this the day they met. So then he just blurts out that he loves her and I don't know what he was expecting back, since she is in love with someone else. And doesn't want to hear what she had to tell him. he's that fucking stupid. Really.

I'm so pissed at Robin because she's an idiot. She should have told Kevin the truth, let him deal with it, go talk to Barney but make it clear that she doesn't want to get back together now (and I'm sure that Barney would have to get over Nora too) and then have space from BOTH of them. Figure out what she wants and then go for it.
 Why the fuck that stupid bullshit bad romance novel crap Kevin spewed at her made her want to stick with him, actually worked, I'll never know. Not even the worst fic writers would have come up with awful scene.

So what happens now. What happens when Kevin finds out? Will he dump her, cause he is leaving right? Kal Penn is not going to stay much longer, yes? He's too famous for this show anyway. I don't understand where the fuck they are going with this. i'm glad that barney said something to Nora, and that sucks for Nora but at least her parents are there to comfort her. My heart broke for barney. I can't imagine him wanting to put himself out there again. I want Robin to find a rose petal, ask Ted about it and then realize that she made a mistake. More so, I want her to be alone and think. Does she really love barney? She really should have explored that with him, instead of letting herself fall for Kevin's bs. I want them to be happy. I want them to be together in a better way than we cheated, lets be in love.

I am so sick of the writers never sticking to something. why did she choose Kevin? how was his answer better than Barney's? What the hell does she see in them? urgh. They need to fix this, cause right now I am just disgusted and sad.
At least Marshall and Ted were fucking hysterical and because the universe is  epically evil, Todd and Jerry the Jainitor from Community just HAD to be in this ep right? As if I weren't hurting enough. ;p

episode review, how i met your mother

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