spoilers and spec this way comes

Sep 03, 2011 15:57

Man oh man. Why is it not the end of this month yet? Why can't time move faster?!

Community- I've basically been out of the loop spoiler wise. Either that, or there haven't been as many of them floating around yet.
But, from what I have read/seen, GET HERE NOW.
 I need to know just why this show is going to be singing and dancing in their premiere. I needed to know that yesterday! My favorite part of that is them singing that they'll be less werid than the past two years combined. *dies* Really now? I'd love to see that!

I hope they do slow it down some. The cracky ones only work when you have the grounded foundation of "normal" eps. Season two was all over the place. I don't mind their big eps, but I also love and enjoy their "normal" ones too.
I want to have hope that Harmon will start to give this show a point, that we'll start to peel back the layers on the characters (and if he could keep them having the same personality all the way through, that'd be great.) I want to know what they are studying, what they plan to do after Greendale.
I want them to be nicer to each other. Pierce wasn't the only one who was awful. I miss them being friends and a family. More eps of them being there for each other and enjoying each other would suit me just fine.

The Jeff/Annie stuff. OMG. I can not even deal. If Jeff will FINALLY man up and admit (to her, to ANYONE) that Annie isn't delusional and that he feels ~things~ but he's afraid to go there, etc, I will be so happy. I want Annie to stop being protrayed as a child and I want Jeff and the rest to recognize that she is growing up. That she is about to become a legal adult.
I want him to struggle with his feelings for her. I want whatever they are doing with them to be REAL and not pandering to us. I want them to not retcon and roll back once the bitching starts. Cause you know that some fans will be haters and that's their business. But I want them to take this couple seriously and not mess them up.
 I wish I could trust Harmon, but after the clip show, it's hard to think that this is really happening. Or something is happening.
 I guess I'll just keep waiting for the other shoe to drop.

HIMYM- As if this whole Jeff/Annie stuff wasn't enough to bust my brain straight ouf my head, I also have been teased with Barney/Robin. ARE THESE SHOWS TRYING TO KILL ME?
 She has to be the bride. No other scenerio makes sense. I mean, in the promo, Barney says that Ted will cry while giving the toast. HELLO. Why would he be so nervous/emotional over Barney/Mystery Person? They'd have to make us all like her in a short amount of time. And considering how awful Don and Zoey were...
 I just can't see him marrying Nora. He's not himself around her and he's not what she is looking for. Why hook yourself to someone who has to pretend every day of his life? What is that?
 But OMG, Barney and Robin getting back together would be so awesome. They owe us a better go this time around.
 I like to think since this will close out the show, there is no way they can mess it up. *in denial*
 I just freakin' LOVE that we will finally see Robin having feelings. It's about time.

I can not wait to see that dance in the first ep. What is that about? I don't fully trust them either, since season Five and all, but one of the creators seems totally psyched about them this year, so hope, she grows.
 I hope that Lily and Marshall can go back to being awesome. I haven't liked a lot of their stories lately. :/  I miss them.
I hope that single Ted is fun. I want him to be single and struggle with that while his oldest friends face parenthood and his other two friends struggle with their feelings for each other. And hopefully, eventually marriage.

I just want to get the show on the road. I've read so many spoilers that I feel like I've already seen these eps!

Spn- oh, show. Remember the days when I actually cared? :/ Unlike last year, I don't feel any real urgency in reading spoilers. From what I've read, I have no reason too. I hated lisa and ben and the grandpa and they're not around now, so I don't have to worry.
I don't know why they just didn't turn Cas human. It would have been way more logical than turning him into "God". *eye roll*
I fear for that angel. Who knows how messed up they are about to make him? He was ridiclous at the end of the finale.
I'm gonna miss the awkwardness and the not getting pop culture references. <3
I don't care about Sam's magic wall. At all. I don't care if he has to deal with it. They did a piss poor job of making that urgent and Dean dealt with Hell, so it's not like Sam won't.
As for Dean, i don't think I know what he's doing. I'd like to see the old badass return.  I'm tired of him being all whiny.
The fact that they may have to use their brains again makes me kinda happy. I miss them doing research and saving people.
 I guess we'll have to see where they go, but this is the one I am not looking forward too. After season six, I just can't.
 I really hope that was just a fluke and that this time, they know what they are doing and I can be engaged again.
Cause I miss squeeing about this show. :/

So those are my thoughts. I don't think they are remotely coherent or thought out, but that is where I am at. I can not WAIT for the new seasons to start. SO EXCITED to see my peoples.
I want Comm to be as hilarious as season two with a niceness of the first season.
I want HIMYM to not screw up Barney and Robin again.
and I'd like SPN to help me out and give me a reason to care.
Them along with SVU, Harry's Law, PSYCH, the rest of Burn Notice. My fall schedule will be PACKED. :)

spoilers sweetie, spec, community, supernatural, how i met your mother

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