Crowley is in that rat/mouse. Why we never saw his smoke... but he's very clever. Lucy needs to hurry up and fucking die. They "killed" Death, why not the devil? You have Amara for the counterweight to God. Lucy is superfluous. Not to mention so g-damn overused.
Poor Mary. But gee, she had amble evidence that these assholes were not freaking trustworthy. Like girl, use your damn brain. So now she is a bmol stepford wife. Uh-huh. And how will they de-program her? With some flowery shit no doubt. Mary is basically Cas- they cannot be left alone, too trusting and stupid.
So not interested in Ketch and Lady Zzz's past. Just kill everyone, please?
Eileen we barely knew ye. She probably was always doomed. Idiots, So they name checked Jody and Claire. They die? NOT Jody,