
May 04, 2017 21:50

Mary, why you just realizing now these people are shady? Is it the Campbell genes or Winchester genes that are dumb?
I love her using the brass knuckles. You GO gurl. Bummer about being zapped. And then Lady whyarentyoudeadyet appears. God, hasn't she suffered enough? Good on her for calling Dean, bad that she is so damn vague. God, these Winchesters are fucking dumb. At least say Mick died. Something.

Max is also a fucking moron, so maybe it's osmosis? Get anywhere near Sam and Dean- loose all sense. I don't care about them. Figured they'd be toast. They are likeable though.

Sam will no doubt fix the colt. It took Ruby to help Bobby, but no doubt Sam will magically find the answers in a MOL book, *eye roll*
I just can't care about the baby story. But Cas always has issues and they never are good. Dean has a reason to be worried, but I don't care. This well is so fucking dry.

Why isn't this unmemorable season over yet?

special sam is boring, episode review, dean needs to shut up, a dozen years, supernatural, mary gets a tag

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