Mary leaving makes sense. She is so out of her depth. I'm glad that she spke up and got out. I love her, so come back soon!
Good on Sam, for understanding how she feels. I miss his sympathic, compassionate side. He understands how she feels. And unlike Sam, Mary walked. I expect him to keep in touch with her.
Dean needs to grow up. I get that he may have abandonment issues ( everyone leaves him) and the greatest gift he has ever been given, has rejected him, but come on. She is not going to just bounce back. John would. Bobby, Rufus, Ellen and Jo, all would. But someone who has been dead for decadesis not. Hell, I bet Jess would struggle. Dean needs to get over himself.
I am here for Cas and Crowley. Mah boysl!! Hate lucy but yay!!
Good on Rowena for vanishing him. And they need to stop abusing Rowena and think that she will fucking help them. Idiots.