
Jan 28, 2016 18:50

Huh. An actual ep that didn't totally suck? Will wonders never cease....

I liked Mildred and Aileen. Nice to see women actual make it. Mildred's flirting with Dean was oddly cute. Flustered Dean is adorbz. He was really good in this one. Calm, confident and sweet. Of course, they have to be stupid- Cas NEVER takes his shit off. Hello! And lets check, every time Cas acts strangely, there is always   a reason!
S6- Crowley/ Purgatory
S8- Brainwashed by Naomi
And now? Lucifer!! JFC, you'd think they'd fucking catch on already.

Misha was much   better here. He must be so happy to lose the Cas voice.
Now Lucy knows about Dean and Amara. Dean is going to be bait near or in the finale. Lucy needs Dean to lure and trap her, Sam is his true vessel. Doubt that he will give up there. Maybe Sam stupidly says yes to save Cas and ends up in Hell. Again. Dean was definite about no Hell for they could send him back. For no reason.
They can't kill Lucy; he's holding Cas' body hostage. When will they figure it out?

Sam loves Dean because he feels guilty. He has muchmore  to feel guilty over. The Purge much? Lucifer and Amara? NOT LOOKING FOR KEVIN EITHER!
Whatever Sam. Dean forgives, always. S6 he told Bobby and Sam they have  a blank forgiveness from Dean. So...

Could have done without the anvils/ mirror of Aileen being girl!Sam. And a legacy. ( all the eye rolls ever). But finally, a woman hunter! And she lived!

I cannot with the whole Amara/Dean stuff. Blech.

episode review, sam has his moments, half way decent eps are rare, supernatural, sometimes dean is lovely

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