Doctor Who

Nov 29, 2015 09:39

Moffat broke my brain. Again. Some more. This was a brilliant episode. Peter Capaldi is utterly captavating, and should get nominated for something. Along with Moffat. This was suspenseful, disturbing, sad, weirdly hopeful and just, THAT ENDING. W. T. H.?!

I have mixed feelings about this season, but I hope it goes out the way it came. Brilliantly shocking.
How the hell is the Doctor a hybrid? What does that even mean? Is he half of something? Could hybrid represent something differently on Gallifrey? I don't know! My brain is fried.

Two billion years it took him. Wow. All those skulls...
Then you have surprise!Jenna!! Ha! I knew we'd see her again. Still hate the way she went out, but that's okay. I love that Twelve's mind palace is the TARDIS. Complete with his "teacher." Is Clara the new Molly? *g*.
I cannot begin to process how the confession dial is the castle, and it lead to Gallifrey? And he is the one to watch it fall to ruin? But, wasn't that what the War doctor did? But The Moment reversed that ( with some help,). So, if he ran away, because he knows that he is to destroy Gallifey?, if he is destined or whatever, why not leave Gallifrey alone? It was gone. He  did it. End of story. Hmm...
I'm confused, but what else is new?

Right now, I just want to twirl around my show. *twirls*. I cannot wait to see what happens next!
Just, be gentle, Moffat, my poor brain can't take anymore.

episode review, moffat broke my brain, twelve feels, doctor who, my happy place is shiny and awesome

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