Why? Why are they wasting so much time? Was this really needed? Why are they trying to become SVU? STOP.
There is so much squick already, just knock it off.
None of the masks were remotely creepy.
It was nice to see the EMF meter again. And a salt circle! Didn't know that they knew how to do that anymore.
Donna isalways good. I think she may have a crush on Dean. She is the only person, ever, to find him funny. Looks like Cas has a fight on his hands. First Benny, then Crowley and now Donna? Who will be Dean's number one bff? I'd rather watch the three of them duke it out, then this crap.
Why was Sam on Team New Doug?
His visions are his fucking powers all over again and I can't. We 've already seen this shit!! And it was fucking tedious the first g-damn time. Urgh. Dean has been paying attention all this time, he knows how this always plays out. Not well!
What the fuck is wrong with Sam? I miss the days when he was compentent. *sigh*.
I wish I was with Cas in Gaza.