
Apr 14, 2015 10:26

JFC. This needs to stop. I think regardless of what happens, this is my final season with this show. They do not deserve to have any more seasons. Hell, unless the fucking movie comes out 10 or 15 years from now, drop that shit too. Community died in season three and no one will ever convince me that this current shit is cannon. This is so fucking awful.

You never listen to Britta. Ever. If she gets on her high fucking horse, you let her go ride off into the desert and move on. This asshole was going to get him banned anyway. How is that not stifling his free speech? And the campus has  a right to their fucking privacy. You'd think that this g-damn moron would have been worried about privacy.
They want to bring up the pen ep, fine. Back then she was horrifed to watch them dump their shit out. But here she had no problem exposing her friends or the fucking innocentcampus, just to what? Prove that she cares? To lord it over everyone that she has lofty standards? Everything she said and did was so fucking stupid and ill concieved. Yet, I'm sure we were supposed to find her convictions brave.
Nope. She's a fucking idiot who should shut her fucking mouth or go find those missing IQ points.

And they're fucking idiots to listen to her!
And ENOUGH with the fucking "secrets". They are not funny or informative. And FYI, this shit started in the puppet ep. Not the "golden age" of season two. JFC, does this asshole remember anything? How much retcon are we going to sit through? Now, I am supposed to believe that last year, they fucking tricked Annie into giving them her blood, because she was jumpy?! No she wasn't. Why not fucking ASK her if she is ok. They were all offended when they found out that Abed put trackers in them and that Annie drugged them, but you then turn around and do it to her? And Britta was pissed when her parents drug tested her. Un-fucking-real.

Jeff writing to astronaunts is fine. Frankie writing to her sister is fine. Jeff has only started to drink, this fucking season. Why is there  liquor on campus anyway?! Isn't that a bigger fucking issue!
I don't believe the Jeff-Chang stuff. Bullshit, but no. Chang has NEVER liked either of them. And, poor Shirley. Shafted again. 2013 was season four. Chang was Kevin. Nope. He literally JUST started being included. Nope.
It's fucking appalling what they said about Frankie. How can she remain around them?
AND FOR THE LAST FUCKING TIME, JEFF AND BRITTA DID NOT DATE. A goddamn booty call does not a relationship make!!!!
Also, hello season four retcon!

Fuck this show. No one at that school deserved any of that. No one should evertalk to them again. How can Jeff "teach " his class now? What authority does he have?

This show needs to die. And fucking stay dead.

episode review, stupid people make me question humanity, how is this still a thing, sick and tired, stop the madness, rants make the world go round, flames on the side of my face, community, jackassery, long and winded thats my game

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