
Apr 02, 2015 08:27

BOBBY!!!!!! That is basically all I got. My beautiful sunflower is keeping his streak alive! Ten years and counting. :-)
It was probably due to my bb, but I actually paid attsntion to this one. And it wasn't bad. Can we keep Bobby forever?

I really need Bobby and Dean to reunite. He is the one person who Dean listens too. He loves Dean and Dean has been needing someone to talk too. I don't want to have to wait until the final ep. Reunite Bobby and Dean!
I find it strange that Bobby's heaven does not include his wife. Dude. He should have found her. And when he let out the others?  Where was Rufus, Ellen, Jo, Ash, Pamela or John? Come now, that would have been awesome. Also did Ash know how fo bust out and not get caught? Cause in season five, heaven looked like a forest and Ash was able to find them and got Pamela to come. Zach didn't know that.

I love that he wrote Sam a letter, even if that man had NO time to actually write it. They really need wisdom right now and Bobby was always the go to. Of course, Sam won't listen, but at least Bobby tried. And Carver can fuck off with Bobby being an ego stroke for Sam. Bobby loved them both but Dean a tiny bit more. I wish he had written a letter to Dean- he'd listen.

I don't know how Sam can keep up the lie anyhow, Boringtron is out and with Cas. If they find Cas' grace, how will they explain Cas being a full angel again? Lame.
Will Dean ever reveal who Rowena is? And why won't she die?

I feel so bad for Crowley. Ties back to him telling Sam that he wants to be loved. He wants to have a family. The closest he gets are Sam and Dean. He let himself feel for Rowena but I hope that is done. She is so fucking boring.
Interesting how Dean drank with Crowley. Was that like the old days for them? Did Dean's eyes really flash black? Is demon Dean lurking still? Clearly, Dean is still in control, since he hasn't killed anyone, but is the mark getting restless? Shouldn't we start seeing the same affects as last year?

Cas and Sam were really smart in this one. Life makes no sense anymore. I need Cas to hang with Dean  i miss their friendship. Sam is not the same.

All in all, I liked this one. I expect that to stop and they'll go back to being tedious and stupid.
Still, Bobby!! BOBBy!!!!!!

cas, crowley feels, episode review, crowley makes everything better, supernatural, bobby is a magical sunflower, my happy place is shiny and awesome

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