The Mysteries of Laura

Feb 26, 2015 16:21

I really hope that this show gets renewed. I have been enjoying it so much. :)
I loved Will & Grace, so I came for Debra Messing and absolutely love Laura Diamond!
This show is a funny, crime solving ,snarky love fest. i love all the characters but my fav is probably Max. He's quirky and fun and smart and helpful. He's awesome.

Meredith was a bit off putting at first; but once they nerded her out, she has grown on me. I love that she is smart, kick ass, beautiful and nerdy. She's great.

I also like Billy and Laura's partnership and friendship. I like him and Meredith's little crush on each other. I wonder if they will ever go there? I liked when they partnered up undercover. :p

Jake. I know that he cheated on Laura and that broke up their marriage, but i can't help but ship them. *shrugs* I hope that he can prove to her that he is sorry and that he won't do it again. I hope they can find their way back to each other. i don't expect them to be together any time soon (she is seeing a new guy, after all) but I can't help but hope.

But this is really about last night's ep. WILL AND GRACE. Back together again (sorta). I was so pleased with this ep. They have no missed a step and are just so much fun to watch on screen. The fact that Eric played her ex? Hilarious! And they showed used an actual old pic of them from Will and Grace! Ha!

I like that he was not how he seemed. he was a good guy who had his life broken around him. And maybe he and Laura can stay in contact. Glad they ended on good terms. But man, the kiss! I cannot. Hee. It was so jarring (I'm rewatching Will and Grace and that is just so funny).
And I agree with Jake; Laura should have stood down. You don't want to mess with the case. And I agree with Billy and Meredith- Laura was able to be objective. But you don't want to take chances.

And I loved that side story of Max looking for a fake boyfriend and the fact that he's family accepts who Max is. it's nice to see. Plus, that bartender is cute! Go, Max!

So, here is hoping that they get another season. Good shows are hard to find.

episode review, the mysteries of laura, long and winded that's my game, my happy place is shiny and awesome

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