
Jan 14, 2015 15:36

I have the worst luck with tv shows. It's almost comical. I must attract shitty story telling and asshole showrunners.
SVU. This show that I barely watched, took over my summer and it was one show that I was highly anticapating.
Should have known.

The runner is being a major prick to Rollaro fans. This season has been dreadful. I dropped this show for two years and I think I may have to again. :-\
Naturally, I have to ship the couple with the most haters. I can't seem to stop that. And other fans can be bitter all they want too. Just cause their ship will never sail, they think they have the right to bash the one that did. What-the-fuck-ever.
BUT when the fucking show itself, starts opening its mouth and letting the bullshit out? THAT takes it up a notch.
There was no reason to do Rollaro. None. They were the ones who decided that it needed to happen. So, Amaro comes out in a towel at her house and everyone went bananas. Fine. Then you have Rollins basically put her badge on the line for him in the finale. That right there was too far. You cannot have her do that and then pretend it never happened. In this current season of shit, Amaro damn near tripped over Benson, to make sure Rollins was ok ( after nearly dying). Again, that all occured.

They had ONE tremundously badly written ( and oddly acted) fight and now the runner is pointing to that as the end. Huh? We have never seen them kiss, hug, go on a date, sleep together or anything. It's all been off screen or vaguely hinted at, on screen. They did a shit job from start to finish, and this bastard has the gall, to get snipy with confused fans? Really?

He keeps yammering on about that fight and seems incredulous that we'd still ship them. Instead of letting it play out on screen, he tweets dickish shit or gives crappy interviews. WTF?
Then, he notched it up even further by saying that he never gave us false hope and that we have to stop re-imaginaing the past. Wow. That is straight out of the dicky showrunner manuel.
So, basically, he can go fuck himself. They put out this deleted scene where Rollaro was being so cute together. Gee, I guess we know why that was cut out.

SVU has never been my show and now it goes into the shit pile. I do believe this is the fastest that I have grown to loathe a tv show. Well done!

I'll let them pile up on demand, grab any eps that are about my bbs or have them as a team, but I'm done. I don't need another shitty show run by a jerk. I still love and ship Rollaro, but damn it, that was fucking fast.

fuck you and thank you, if boring could form a picture it would , rollaro, svu, flames on the side of my face, wtf are you doing, look like this show, long and winded thats my game

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