Nov 05, 2014 22:20

I have to stop letting the writers  get to me. They were all fronting like this would be scary. *yawn*. That was not scary at all. Spn did a similar ep and that sucked too. It was obvious that the two girls were in on it. Why the hell they would want to be labeled as crazy....then again, they fucking stabbed that little girl.

Benson has to be the crappiest boss. Why would she want Rollins to pick who got to talk to Charlie? She is the fucking boss! Decide for yourself. Geez. And I just cannot find it in me to care about Mama Benson. The kid is cute, but blah.

My bbs! What is Nick confused of in CA? His kid being away from him? Him being happy with Rollins? And why would she wait until the hospital to ask him? You know they were in contact that entire time.

Then that moment when he was worried about her going into the woods. AMARO!! Was it something to do with Holden? A left over worry?
And his face when she RELUCTANTLY chose Carisi. Dude, she still loves you. Chill out.  I liked seeing them argue a little. They used to fight, that should never change.

Don't much care about the crossover next week. But at least we will get to see Rollaro on another road trip!

And gotta give some love to Carisi. He got s credit! And he was able to empathize with Charlie. So far he has been a good add. But where was Fin? :-(
Off somewhere with Barba?
Boys days out!

episode review, carisi, bad boss benson, rollaro, svu

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