
Oct 08, 2014 11:04

Ten years. TEN. How is this still happening? Why? I hate that this is my only show left. :(

I want the madness to end, but I know that it won't. This had to be the most pointless opener they've had. Where was the story? What was the point? I don't think I learned anything new.

Sam wants to find Dean he cares? He wants to bury and burn Dean, so that he can finally be rid of him? It's way too late to have Sam give a fuck now. They shoved him too far into dickehead terriorty, to make him likable (or believable).
Cas is over there, coughing up a lung and Sam just rambles on, like he can't be bothered to show concern for the last remaning person who dosen't hate him. I can't fucking stand him. If I am supposed to care aobut Cole and his vendetta agasint, Dean? NOPE. Keep Sam, who gives a fuck?

I can't believe how rude everyone is to Cas. The boy is DYING and Hannah shows up and drags him off into the most played out, uninteresting storyline, this side of the Levithan. HE IS SICK, YOU ASSHOLE, LEAVE HIM ALONE. he does not want to rule Heaven, he does not care about your bullshit. GIve him some Ny-Qil and shove his ass into the bunker, what is their excuse for Cas living in that shit hole? Sam doesn't want to catch his cooties? JFC.
Misha deservers better than this shit. If they can't come up with something new for Cas to do (or you know, INTERGRATE HIM INTO THE MAIN FUCKING STORY) then maybe we have to send him on his way. Because this is all ready getting on my last nerve. And newsflash- Cas can't take anyone else's grace, HE HAS IT NOW AND HE IS DYING. He needs to find his own. Urgh.

Then we get to Dean. Holy crap. That was tedious and awful. i guess this is Dean without the charm? There really isn't any difference between him and human Dean. Other than, demon!Dean is fucking boring as all hell and I do not care about him. Sure, i laughed with his singing, but no. And how is he drunker as a fucking demon, than he ever was as a human? *head desk* Please stop. This is terrible.
I did like how he didn't give a fuck about Sam. Good, cause Sam stopped caring about Dean a long time ago. Turn about is fair play.

Only good thing was that Crowley still has a beard. Bad thing? His obessison with Dean. Dude, no. get a Chia pet or something. Dump his ass like toxic waste and walk away.

Also, fuck you show, I used to love that Heartbreaker song.:(

episode review, if boring could form a picture it would , supernatural, cas save me, jackassery, long and winded that's my game, look like this show

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