Doctor Who

Oct 04, 2014 22:56

I am beyond tired, so this will be short.

I love Clara and I always will. I love the Doctor and ditto there. I think they were both right. But Twelve deserved that verbal smack down. That wasn't the first time that he has left her in the middle of a crisis. And yes, he comes back, but the point still stands. He leaves her. He has never left anyone else like that. The closest was Rose in Father's Day and Nine didn't really leave. But twice now Twelve has up and left her. Not to mention the constant digs.

Clara was scared to death, had Courtney to worry about and she was forced to make a really hard choice. A choice, by the way, that he was almost forced to make in the Beast Below. And Eleven was none too pleased, when Amy forced his hand. Yet, he did something similar to Clara.
She was smart to look to the planet for guidance, even if it wasn't the right choice. But they have shown over and over again, that when the Earth is threatened, they will choose to destroy themselves than live in agony (Journey's End much?)

I don't blame her for being pissed at him. He could have helped and he didn't. I instead he left them there and they could have died. I am not sure that he wouldn't have stepped in somehow, if they had chosen to blow up both planets, but the point is, he could have helped her and he did not. And it was a long time coming, for her.

As for him? Yeah, he could have saved the day again, but he wanted Courtney to feel special. That could have been the moment where her life changed. She would no longer be a bad influence, he probably did what he always does, he made her better. He went about it stupidly, but then he is himself.

I think he has a lot of faith in Clara but he doesn't understand her. Maybe he never will, maybe it is too late or maybe they can come to an agreement. I'm sure they are not done with each other yet. I hope that whenever that day comes, they part on better terms. If not...huh.

I have a huge fear of spiders, so this was hell for me. But the moon egg? Um, ok! Don't really care.

I love them both and I want them on even footing.

And will we ever learn what Danny's bad day was?

So much for shortness! *facepalm*

clara oswald perfect snowflake, episode review, doctor who, danny pink, my opinion is no better than yours, twelve, long and winded that's my game

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