I really enjoyed this one! It was funny and deep. Getting into the two sides of Clara. The Doctor's Clara- who is brave, loyal and fun and who has his back. She doesn't let him get away with much ( I loved her bringing up the others before her. I didn't know if she knew. And no, kiddio, they wouldn't have let him endanger the school. Then again, their Doctor's were more compassionate.)
And then the Clara she is without him. Still clever and sure of herself and just trying to fit in. And apparently terrible at being subtle. She was not so great at thinking on her feet. Maybe now that Danny knows, it can go smoother for her. No more lies. She can't keep the balance up; she's going to have to choose. That's what it felt like to me. Teacher!Clara or TARDIS!Clara.
I also like that Danny yelled at him, much like Rory in his first go around. Some times the Doctor needs to be told. Not everyone will see him as some big adventure. Case in point- the kid who threw up. It isn't a!ways exciting.
Twelve was cracking me up all over the place. I some how missed the dude wearing the bow tie. Good to see that he still has an ego on him. Did he approve because he thought she was into Eleven still?
I still don't get why he hates soldiers so much. It feels more personal with him, and that is just weird- he is still trying to find himself. but he really distrusts them. Yet, does he not order his companions around? He expects them to follow his orders to the letter and not question him. Hmm...
i liked seeing Daddy!Twelve. Wonder if he was like that with his kid(s)? Was it because he felt she deserved better or was it just the soldier thing? I love how he refused to accept him as anything but a gym teacher.
I was waiting for him to be pissed off at Clara for bringing Danny aboard like that. And then how angry he was when he wanted her to explain Danny to him. Yeah. Poor Clara. She wants to live her life her way and meet a nice guy. And still play at her hobby. *hugs her*
What is Missy? Seriously. Are they in actual Heaven? Why? What for? What are her plans?
And lastly: RIVER. He fucking mentioned River!!! I didn't think he would. And I love that Eleven went off to live with freaking otters for a month, because they had a big fight. I wish we could have see that!