Like I need another ship...

Jun 27, 2014 18:00

The funny thing is, that i kinda do. Now that J/A are over (and while i am glad that Community ended with Jeff's feelings for Annie, it will always reamain unfinished. I want to know what he would have done next. Could he have kept those intense feelings to himself? Would Annie have even believed him? I wrote a fic about what i wanted to happen next, maybe i'll upload it.)

And with that hideous Monday show shooting itself in the face (and while that piece of shit "finale" is NOT even CLOSE to being actual cannon (I mean, it negated THE ENTIRE SERIES. Am I to believe that NINE YEARS OF STORY TELLING doesn't mean shit? And that ONE forty minute shitfest, is the REAL cannon? As Barney would say, please.) i can't ship my bbs like i used too. I haven't watched anything since March and i want to keep B/R for myself, but I can't bring myself to see anything yet. The B/R LJ has been a safe haven and i have enjoyed reading their posts. but i am still so pissed about that finale. No matter how AU it was.

So, in the midst of all of that. here comes SVU! I LOVE Rollins and Amaro! Love, love, love them. i've always shipped them but I never would have guessed that they'd become cannon! It's been a month since the season ended and i am STILL NOT OVER IT. That one ep when boyfriend came popping out of her bathroom in a towel? DEAD. DEAD. I squeed so loud and basically sat there with a stupid grin on my face. It all started (for me) in that gambling ep. There was no way that i could not ship them out loud anymore. Amaro was all up in her business and when he ran over and threw a beatdown on Murphy? OH YEAH. Come on.

But the towel thing? YES. Plus, the way Rollins acted in the finale...she went above and beyond for him. I'm not sure that was the right thing to do and i hope that he finds out and is appericative of the intent. Does she have feelings for him? Will he let go of his wife (who basically hates him) and maybe settle down with Rollins? I don't think they are in love or anythng, but if they are, than i hope it works out. I doubt it though. My ships never work out
*is bitter* and i don't think SVU is the kind of show that has good relationships, so i am okay with whatever they give me. They have already given me WAY more than I ever expected!!

I just hope that they don't give them any angst to deal with and that one likes the other more and if they do end it, (whatever IT IS, TELL ME ALL THE THINGS. SHOW) they can have a strong friendship. They are so good for each other. He needs someone to calm his ass down and he can keep her straight. They can lean on each other, support each other and just be there. I want to see more of them, but i am resigned to the fact that the show is not about them. :P JUST GIVE ME MORE STUFF OK? I want to see them team up, make out and for him to call her Amanda. I don't think those things are too much to hope for. :p

But yeah, thank god for USA, i have been living off the reruns. I wish nbc would fucking re-air season 15. I need to see mah baybies! Good lord. What has this show done to me?!

flailing like a mad woman, rambling about tv again, rollins and amaro, svu, squee, shippy feels i gots them, long and winded that's my game

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