Urgh. Seriously. This show just has to fucking piss me off. This is like season four levels of anger and disappointment. There is zero reason to revisit the uninteresting, nauseating, and completely boring crap fest that is j/b. How many times does something have to fail, before you fucking let go? Now granted, this ep was mostly Britta and Duncan ( which is also fucking stupid and makes no sense) but that promo had j/b, and that means that dark cloud of bullshit is still hanging over us. Yay. That is what I wanted to see. I don't think that Harmon would be so fucking stupid as to actually have j/b get married, but this will be the fucking THIRD time that marriage has been brought up with them.
I am just so fucking tired of this show and it's bullshit. J/A can't be together because why, exactly? Despite the fact that j/a have been the most popular ship for five fucking years, that we are STILL (stupidly) hoping that something will happen between them, forget all of that because we have to revisit a failed ship because...why? I have no idea wtf is going on. Jeff liking her because others do? Since when?! He has never cared, outside of Vaughn, and that was nothing. But suddenly she is his former lover ( a booty call? Really?) and that he saw her first? Give me a fucking break. I cannot believe this. I don't want to sit through this crap. I really don't. Fuck this tired ass shit.
How many goddamn times do we have to feel so sorry for Britta and the fact that she can't relate to people? Urgh, we get it. Go cry with Abed. I missed Annie and Shirley. Wish I could have been with them at McDonald's.
Abed did near to hear that. Annie's tried. Hickey is a good edition. I like him. I do feel for Abed, that look at the empty chair! He needs a friend.
Chang was funny. Too bad it was underused.
I am just not happy with this ep or what it may be setting up. I just want to like my show again. They keep making it hard.