
Jan 10, 2014 09:33

All right, lets get the unpleasentries over with- Can we fucking retire the word "creepy" when it comes to Jeff and Annie? Can it please die a fucking quick death? HOW in the fucking hell were they being creepy? they just wanted to find out who the stupid bandit was, how is that creepy? why wasn't more of them upset over this? also why would they need to have a scandal or something to hang out together? are they not friends? WTF already! i am so over the way they treat them and my god, did they not learn from fucking last season?! ENOUGH! also you keep using creepy i don't think it means what you think it means. URGH

The second thing- Pierce. Why did he have to die? That's so fucking stupid, cliched and lazy. And the way we found out- Shirley just tells them, they all get sad at the table, Neil talks about D&D and then we move on? It came out of nowhere and just...what? Why? *eye roll* I was really hoping that they wouldn't do that. So lame and omg, you brought back Starburns? WHY?! URGH.

That all being said- this ep was so werid to me. I didn't get the reference, so I was mostly confused. I liked seeing Annie and Jeff team up again and they were awesome and wonderful (minus the STUPID creepy bullshit). I loved the "platonic shoulder holding" but is this their way of telling us to leave it? See, I don't know where they are going with them, so it's hard to know how to feel about these things. Troy getting all the blankets and water, Abed being special so he should have been able to solve the crime, shirley cashing in on the no change rule, that was all hilarious. :)

Duncan. My beauitful Duncan (though it's hard for me to see him, since he left TDS and I can't watch his new show. *SIGH*) but OMG can John Oliver play sinister! I was scared for Annie and Alison is hilarious in that scene- the way she got her keys. I don't know how to feel about his crush (?) on Britta. Um, what? Can't she just be by herself? Does everyone have to like her? *eye roll* I did love that Annie hugged her again! :)

All in all, this was an odd ep that probably should be rewatched, I HATE the creepy shit and Starburns being alive. Also, the dean is so quick to forgive major crimes, isn't he? Chang's whole existence and Starburns' meth. Huh. :p

jeff and annie, episode review, community, jackassery

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