I need to come up with a reason why I continue to support a show that is so clearly past its prime. They just keep churning out more and more asinine eps and I just...*head desk*
So let me understand this- this ~magical bunker of specialness~ has to be very secure, right? It's probably the safest place you could be outside of the White House. So why, no really, WHY?! is it that nobody else can stay at this bunker? Cas can't stay because it makes Z all grumpy in his face. And now Kevin has to leave?! KEVIN THE FUCKING PROPHET? The two most VALUABLE humans on earth are kicked out of the MOST SECURE PLACE EVER for no reason. Kevin who was fucking KIDNAPPED BY CROWLEY from a goddamn boat last season, is free to wander around a hotel room? REALLY? And Cas who fucking DIED on his own is left to continue to trust bad people, I'm sure.
This show is beyond idiotic. Are we being punked? Or trolled? No way, NO WAY is a show this bad on accident. have they just given up? Because this season is even worse than I could have imagined. ZERO of if has made sense. And we are four eps in and what is the point to this season? Where are their goals? Why is Crowley still there? I assume that in the next ep or two, he'll be released since nobody else can stay in the fucking bunker. I just cannot. I really feel like they aren't even trying anymore.
As for the rest- I do not care about that fucking Mary Sue Charlie and I hope she never returns from Oz. That was so fucking awful and pointless. Did we really need to see that? Charlie could have remained off camera, she didn't have to end up in Oz. And omg how lame are they that they are trying to make us believe that Oz in their backroom. To say that I hate this show would be an insult to hate.
nothing about it makes sense anymore. Please for the love of God, make this show end next season. (or now) They are so fucking tired and it's showing.