I am so glad to see Michael back in Miami. Can't wait for him to see Maddie and to meet Charlie. :) Of course, I don't know how often he will be able to break free to go see them, but he needs to check in at least. Now, that they are all stateside, how hard is it going to be for Michael to maintain his cover? What happens when his old contacts ask him for a favor? Can he take time out of the whole Strong/Sonja thing, to help out? Or will Sam/Jesse/Fi have to do it?
I just want my show to be pieced back together. Having everyone apart just hurts my heart. Where the hell is he going to live? Isn't the loft gone? Or at least unlivable? Would he live with Maddie or stay at a motel? And who the hell is he working for? Who is Sonja? I doubt we can trust her but could she be someone like him- badass rep but is really a good person? Or is she evil and he will take her down gladly?
I love Sam and Jesse and am so happy that they are getting so much screentime together. <3 I loved Jesse being "Michael" and shooting into the police station and his reaction to Sam's "death" (since Sam was taking so long and being pretty hammy about it. ;p)
The one thing I don't love is Fi. If she was so ready to move on from her past, WHY is she still in Florida? and why she is so close to his family? Maddie would understand if Fi had to leave, S/J too. But she can't pull up stakes and start over. Why? (well, duh, she loves Michael...right Nix?!) but it would be easy for her to get away from the CIA and Michael, if she wasn't around. I think she needs closure with him. I think they need to hash it all out. Lay it all on the line. He hurt her and she may never forgive him for it, but can she move past it? He needs to explain himself and understand her feelings. I hope they do work it out but first they need to have a huge confortation. Things need to be aired and feelings need to be hurt (temporarily) so they can start to heal. I just hate seeing Fi so fucking bitter. I get why she is, but I hope she can start to heal. Cause bitter Fiona is not fun.
I still do not like Carlos at all. He needs to be shady and leave. I don't see any chemistry between them . I can see that Carlos may care for her and I get that she likes that they don't lie to each other (has she told him how she worked for Michael yet?) and that's great, blah, blah, but I don't like him or trust him. I don't care about Strong either. There are better ways to ask for a favor, dude. Having her arrested? Michael will not like that, I suspect.
I am looking forward to seeing where this show is ending up, but I am missing the carefree days of the past. I just want them all to be on the same page and having each other back's. :(