
Mar 22, 2013 09:56

What the hell has happened to this show? I go into every week now with no joy and it's pissing me off. I wish we had never been told how fucked up the J/A stuff is, they really screwed my joy up. I don't watch just for them (they are big part of it) but knowing that they are just jerking us around...that, coupled with the pointless/boring eps we've gotten for a while all just sucks. I hate nbc so much for putting these people in charge. I can't help but wonder what Dan would have done and it's not like all of seasons1-3 were great. But JFC this is so tedious! There is just something so off lately and it's bringing me down, if I can quote Adele.

I came to a conclusion on this season- it's like a reversed WIzard of Oz. The old show was like Oz- brilliant, fun, adventurous, different, happy, unbelievable and wonderful.
Now it's like Kansas- staid, boring, uninteresting and devoid of color. It's just...blah. And no matter how hard we click, we can never go back to Oz. :(
also that nbc is the wicked witch and these writers are the scarecrow. :p

The only thing I liked about this ep was Jeff and Pierce. I miss that Pierce. That character could have been so much more than a one off racist. And yet, you know that the good moment that Jeff and Pierce shared won't carry over. It won't mean anything (it already does, with Chevy leaving) but I liked seeing it. Jeff standing up for Pierce was nice.

On the pointless J/A front- it was nice to see that the disney eyes still work. :) and I actually laughed when the dean tried them too. And the text message buddies that they are. It's hard knowing that nothing comes from that, or Pierce's you sly dog comment about Annie texting Jeff. I just hope that  we aren't totally killed off. :/ but it's hard to care. I am so bored by this show and it's really pissing me off. I want to like it again. We only have six eps left. Here's hoping.

episode review, community

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