what the hell *was* that?

Oct 30, 2010 19:17

So, that Rally/March was....LOL. I have nothing. It was like a concert (which I enjoyed) and then weird, odd, ridic comedic bits. That Stephen puppet was...horrifying? Epic? Epically Horrifying? I loved the big pen!
It was nice to see all the correspondents (John in a Peter Pan outfit. Lordy :)
I don't know why people were thinking it would be political. Why would they preach at you? It's not their place.
I liked Jon's speech. I may agree with some of the msnbc peeps (I love Keith and Rachel<--who was not apart of the montage. That is why she's my favorite <3) but I agree that they need to tone it down. I can't watch Chris Matthews or Ed Shultz cause they are loud. I think Keith goes overboard sometimes. It's like, dude, you are screaming preaching to the choir, wtf? I have no idea why he is so obsessed with Fox.
 I get it, they suck. Everybody knows that, is it a crusade to get them off the air? Just ignore them. I do. And my life is better for it. Getting mad over something some stupid  ass said is a waste of time.
I admit I get sucked in and end up yelling at the TV but then I do like Jon said and turn the channel or turn the volume down. I have better things to do then be screamed at, thanks.

I still wish I could have gone but I taped it so that is that. I doubt I'll ever sit through it again but it was a nice program. It was nice to see Jon get serious for a minute, go ahead bb.
Stephen. Oh, Stephen Colbert. The Chilean miner entrance, the RIDICLOUS outfits, God I love that man. For realises. He is too much. I loved their America song. Goobers. <3
I can't wait for their election coverage. Still hoping I'll be able to get to the voting booth. :/
Basically this show felt, at times, like an acid trip, but the best possible one!
I mean random!Ozzy? Karem Abdul-Jabbar? That Koran snatching dude? Mick Foley? Ookkay then. ;p
Kinda glad it's over, now we can move on.

rally/march, crazy ass times, jon stewart, stephen colbert

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