Nov 14, 2013 19:30

It’s Thursday again and Lillie McFerrin [] has once again present us with another prompt word, which we’re to use in endeavoring to write a Five Sentence Flash Fiction. The prompt word for this week is “LETTERS.”

This week I decided to be a little more poignant especially since we’ve just celebrated Veteran’s Day here in the US. I’ve also been successful in using the acrostic format which is starting to be my “TradeMark.”


LE slie sat in the den of her home crying.

T he tears which came flowing over her cheeks weren’t ones of sadness, they were ones of the bittersweet remembrances she got as she read the LETTERS which her then future husband had sent her during his first assignment in the Middle East.

TE resa, Leslie’s daughter, sat by her mother’s side trying to console her, but to no avail.

R eluctantly Teresa started to read the LETTERS herself to see the reason for her mother’s dismay.

S adness became infectious because these LETTERS allowed her to get to know the father she never knew, as she fell victim to the words in the LETTERS as well.

Would love to hear your comments.
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