That boy knows all about fun!

Nov 20, 2008 00:02

So I made a new friend name Steve. We met online. We hung out. He invited me to have dinner with him and his boyfriend. Then after dinner I was invited to take part in other fun things. I found out that Steve and I have a few things in common, and something semi-special in common. It's nice to have someone to talk to, I like that I can tell him things. I just hope everything is safe.

Been doing alright in classes. I just need to learn how to better manage my time.

I'm really falling for Brian, which, realistically, is retarded of me. I know the chances of us ending up together is slim to none, yet I can't help it. Well, let's see if Christmas goes well or not. I just hope I'll walk away unscathed.

Job hunting. Fun times...
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