(no subject)

Jul 15, 2006 16:24

i pretty much lied about going friends only. i decided it was a bad idea. there will probably be more friends-only entries in the future, but this isnt going to be a friends only journal.

Something good happened recently, as well as a lot of very bad things happening. The good thing that happened was that UofL began offering domestic partnership benefits to its gay and lesbian staff members. This is progress, and I really hope that UK follows up with a similar policy. This is occurring without any expense towards the state at all, but certain senators have decided to throw their two cents in anyways. Senator Dick Roeding said he didn't think it was a good idea- get this- because he thinks it would raise the cost of insurance. Because, obviously, gay partners get sick more often than straight partners and obviously jack the price of insurance up. Makes sense to me. Unfortunately, thats just the beginning of the hate spewed about by Roeding. He told the C-J "I don't want to entice any of these people into our state, those are the wrong kind of people." This prompted the Log Cabin Republicans (the pro-gay republican group) to call for GOP leaders to denounce him. When Roeding asked who the Log Cabin Republicans were, and was informed who they were, he said "A bunch of queers." Seriously. From a Kentucky Senator. No sir, we aren't backwater. This is all documented in a Cincinnati Post article. Luckily, because UofL was so awesome and progressive, it is reported that UK is looking into doing the same thing. I will be sure get that on the UK Dems agenda in the upcoming school year.

The bad thing going on in the world right now is a serious conflict involving Israel and Hizbollah in Lebanon. After Hizbollah took Israeli soldiers prisoner in Gaza, Israel retaliated by sending troops into Gaza and attacking Hizbollah in Gaza. The conflict then spread to Lebanon, the country on the northern boarder on Israel, where Hizbollah has many strongholds. Hizbollah is armed by Syria and Iran, so Israel has been focusing on a lot of Lebanon's civil infrastructure. This has the very unfortunate effect of costing dozens of civilians their lives. The death count is nearing 100, nearly all of which are civilians in Lebanon. If anybody is interested in checking out how all this came together, I would recommend looking at this interactive map from the NY times.

I am kind of put off by the international community's inability to deal with these problems. Quite honestly, this escalation could not have happened at a better time, if it indeed have to happen. The G8 summit is this week, and the 8 most powerful democracies (check that- 7 most powerful democracies and Russia) are meeting this week in St. Petersburg, where they should be able to work together to bring about some sort of ceasefire. However, since Russia has its alliances in Iran and Syria, most of the European countries like to put together scathing reports on Israel at every chance they have, and because the US feels that Israel can do no wrong; nothing is getting done. I wish that the world could put aside its alliances and preconceived notions and work towards peace. Europe should realize that Israel has a right to protect themselves and is only acting in what is perceives as its best interest. The US should realize that Israel's retaliation is way out of line and is turning the country of Lebanon (whose only sin is being close to Israel) into a war zone, when its government has done nothing to deserve such a thing. Russia should use its connections with the extremely shady countries of Syria and Lebanon to help foster peace and keep their weapons out of the hands of Hizbollah. If these three groups could do such a thing, we would be in a much better position and be able to work towards peace. I doubt that this will ever happen, however, which is unfortunate.

Say a prayer for peace everybody.

Also, in a throwback to the 7th grade, I'm downloading "Fury of the Aquabats!"
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