After a long break in live journaling, i am starting up again. so this girl i like has got a boyfriend. like i found out last friday. so yeah. i think my main problem with that was not talking to her enough on the phone. i have then made a new years resolution to contact her in some way at least five tiems a week. then i'll see what happens.
i went on a field trip yesterday. it was to the ordway. it was more boring than i thought it would be, but it was only $3 and i got to miss Mr. Sabur for chemistry, and U.S History, so it was worth it to me. my new picture is one from someone's camera phone from the field trip. i took it myself.
i found this cool link to 93x. for those of you who like 93x but haven't been to the website because you're too lazy, then here, now you have no excuse. i even made it go in another window.
i hope to get replies, and stuff. bye