PI LOG: Close Of Day -- Remy and Rogue

Apr 12, 2005 17:53

A little restless after a day of working, Remy makes his way to Ogori's to pick on Rogue and chatter in the Southerner's ear.

Ogori's -- Chinatown

Despite the fact that the day was bright and clear, full of spring zephyrs and tempting--just perfect for a good run on a Harley that didn't see enough use when the roads were bound with snow--Remy LeBeau has seen most of this day from inside his apartment. While his job allows him a vast amount of time off, he does occasionally have to work, and those moments of madcap concentration mean that even on pretty spring days he has to spend a good deal of time bent over his table, studying plans and notes and routes of escape. He's pretty much hit saturation for studying his files, however, and that means he's restless. The perfect avenue of this, of course, is to pick on his favorite waitress after her shift is done. It isn't clear whether Remy has a key or has just picked the lock--does it ever matter, where he is involved?--but he's opening the front door in any case, peeking around the edge with bright eyes just *full* of a dangerously mischievious light. Someone is fixing to get himself into trouble.

The sound of the door open has Rogue emerging promptly from the kitchen, looking as though she's ready to clobber whoever it is trying to get in after hours. At least until she catches the red gleam of those eyes from around the edge of the door. "You'd best be lockin' that behind you, LeBeau," she drawls, and vanishes into the kitchen again.

"'Lways do," Remy assures Rogue with a bright, cheeky tone to his voice, even as he's doing just that. It wouldn't do for *other* thieves to wreck his fun, after all. Almost trotting across the floor on his toes, Gambit becomes, briefly, five years old, clasping his hands behind his back and bouncing on the balls of his feet to peer over Rogue's shoulder. "Whaaaatcha doin'?"

"What's it look like Ah'm doin', smart guy?" Rogue replies easily as she closes the dishwasher on the last of the dirty dishes. "Takin' a bubble bath? There's dinner on th'counter Michiko left out for you. Mind you leave some for me, an' she's makin' tonkatsu tomorrow an' said t'have you over."

Rogue's first line just plays right into Remy's state of mind, and his grin goes long and sly at it. "If bubble bath's somewhere on your list of t'ings to do t'night, I'm all for givin' you hand wit' dat." Gambit says, completely as if it might be the most reasonable thing he could say, before he's straightening a little and turning to look at the counter. "Dinner? But I 'lready ate." There's a soft, dreading tone to his voice, now that implies he knows he won't get out of the restuarant without having eaten his share, even with Michiko absent.

Rogue just rolls her eyes at his teasing. "Then it's a good thing for you Ah ain't yet, huh?" she replies. "It's been a busy day. Prob'ly gonna be another few comin' up, too. Eris said she talked t'you a bit back."

"Eris 'lways needs to talk t'me," Remy mutters below his breath, before continuing a bit louder, "She say why? I'm prob'ly in trouble 'gain." Always in trouble with all these women, and not even getting anything for his pains. It is a hard row Gambit has to hoe.

The question is sufficient to make Rogue turn and face him, looking, briefly, a little exasperated. "You oughta know bein' as you were th'one who was there when she talked t'you, not me."

Remy looks confused, for a moment. "Wait, you say she needed to talk to me, or she *did* talk to me?" His head tilts to one side, the expression only making him look comically befuddled.

"Ah did say 'a bit back,' sugah," Rogue points out dryly. "That usually means somethin' that's already gone an' happened."

"Look, that requires me payin' attention to you an' not .. well, nevermind. We been talkin' a lot lately, me an' her. Dere any reason you're pointin' dis out in specific?" Remy grins cheekly, tucking his fingers into the pockets of his jeans. He gravitates around Rogue as she works, never once offering to lend his hand. Layabout.

"You oughta pay attention t'me more often, sugah," Rogue drawls, busily putting things away in preparation for the next day of business. "Y'might be pleasantly s'prised. an' as a matter of fact, yes. Happens Eris told me t'day she's tryin' t'quit drinkin'. Ah'm gonna be takin' up her load 'til she's through th'worst of it."

Remy scuffs a hand over his hair, briefly, nodding. "Oui, je sais. T'ought she was tryin' to keep dat on de low-down, but I guess if you're pickin' up her slack you gotta know why. 'S gonna be hard on her." He leans against the wall, slouching, with his legs crossed at the ankle.

Rogue nods, pausing in the last of the tidying-up to lean, for a moment or two, against the counter. "Yeah. Ah told her Ah'd do what Ah could. It'd help f'you could come 'round a little more often an' keep Michiko busy. She's teachin' me t'make miso," she adds more cheerfully.

"Can't be too hard, seein' as it seems it's mostly brot' an' green onions," Remy teases, his teeth flashing in a grin, "You can prob'ly handle it. Lemme know if it gets a l'il outta hand."

Rogue swats amiably at Remy, hand whiffing harmlessly through the air in his direction. "Funny guy. It *would* be nice if you'd come by ev'ry so often, y'know. 'Til Eris is feelin' better."

Remy smiles a little more plainly, this time, nodding. "I will. Been workin' wit' her to try an' get her powers under control, but wit' her goin' t'rough dis, it's gonna put ev'ryt'in' she's tried to learn to de test. Prob'ly best if I'm 'round as much as I can be." Which is, out of necessity, around his own job.

Naturally. Rogue nods, sobering a little. "Yeah. Ah can hold out okay myself - Ah'm used t'weird shit in my head - but ain't gonna be much Ah can do for anyone else f'she gets back 'round a restaurant fulla customers an' shit."

"She don' get in your head, 'dough, she makes you t'ink you're feelin' somet'in'." Remy says, but he waves one hand as if it doesn't matter. "I'm hopin' she won' lose control, but I seen what withdraw's done to people, an' I can't make no promises. Jus' hope it won' be durin' business hours."

Rogue shrugs. "Empathy an' telepathy are a lot alike. Were you kiddin' 'bout bein' full already earlier, or do Ah get t'eat my dinner without fightin' you off?"

Remy grins, pushing away from the wall he leaned against earlier. "Said I'd eaten dinner 'lready, not dat I was full. Since when'm I ever full? But if you're gonna get uppity 'bout it, I can keep my fingers to m'self." Since when has he done *that*, either? That impish, betraying light still lingers in Gambit's eyes.

"Who you callin' *uppity,* boy?" Rogue wants to know, pausing to grin at Remy. "How 'bout you get that stuff Michiko left out while Ah finish shuttin' down, an' then we can get outta here an' eat someplace else?" Like his apartment.

"I'm callin' *you* uppity." Gambit says, still cheekily, before leaving the kitchen entirely in search of the food on the counter. In passing Rogue, Remy pulls on those quick-seated thief skills that have been engrained upon him since birth--and gooses her, gently, before continuing on completely as if he's done nothing at all.

Rogue yelps, twisting around hastily to smack at Remy again. This time, she's not aiming to miss. "LeBeau! You ass!" But she's laughing as she says it.

Remy's laughter is sudden, brightly ringing as he ducks, his grin never fading. "Non, pretty sho' dat was *your* ass." He quips, before he's seeking sanctuary behind the counter, trying to put the food between them as if it will protect him.

Rogue rolls her eyes epxressively and turns away from Remy, tending to the last few bits of closing-down so that the restaurant can be locked up and left for the night. Annoyed airs notwithstanding, it isn't long before she's humming amiably.

Probably mostly because Rogue is used to Remy and his antics, and might even have anticipated the goose if she really thought about it. A little careful engineering and half a balancing act, and Remy has the food ready to transport back to the apartment, leaning on the counter and watching as Rogue finishes up.

It doesn't take long. One last trip around the restaurant, and then Rogue is joining Remy where he waits, grinning over at him. "Ready t'go, sugah?"

"Bien sur," Remy says, straightening and reaching out to gather the contraption he has made out of Rogue's dinner, tucking it securely under one arm. "Where you got in mind?" In case she wanted to go somewhere other than the apartment. Not that Gambit minds having Rogue in his home.

Rogue shrugs amiably as she leads the way out of Ogori's, turning off lights as they go. "Figured we could head t'your place an' Ah could say hi t'Jolie. Been a little while." Besides, Rogue can always fly home, while Remy would have to walk.

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