Alright, so I have moderate to severe
sleep apnea. So, I'm going back tomorrow to have a
CPAP machine calibrated to the pressure I need for positive sleep results. It's good to have an answer to my insomnia.
So, apparently, I will start to sleep better. I think I might have to pick up a cheap generator for the camping trip so I can have the CPAP with me there. I also need to investigate for another trip that's scheduled.
That's really it in my world. Just thankful to have one issue taken care of and be able to focus all of my medically allocated energy on the other. :D I think I may reach my deductible this year. Between the two sleep tests, the biopsies, and everything else, I may come close to not having to pay anything for medicine at the end of the year!!! I also think my insurance company will hate me.