Feeling hopeful........

May 24, 2015 10:28

Feeling very hopeful today. I cast a Blessing/Curse-Release Spell on a friend of mine. I am hoping and believing that it will work. And I am hoping to finish reading at least one of my astronomy books. I also am hoping to go walking.

The reason I am hoping to go walking is because that is the time I usually see wildlife and capture it on my cell phone's camera. And walking is a time of peace and a time for peaceful reflection. It is also a time to burn off any negative energy and rage I may feel.

The reason I am hoping to finish my astronomy books. These two books, ''Sirius: Brightest Diamond in the Night Sky'' and ''Hundred Greatest Stars''. They are very interesting and the facts are interesting. I learned so much new terminology that it's mind-boggling. Also these books are due back at the library soon.

And the reason I am hoping that the spell I cast works is because my friend deserves so much better than what she has. I am trying to help her out of a bad and abusive relationship. I am also helping her out of a dead-end job.
In addition to all of this, I am hoping to work some more on my novel and my art piece.

Well, that's all for now.


Rebecca M. (Chaos Bringer)

witchcraft; wicca, art, feeling, emotional, spell, astronomy, activity

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