D for die, you T for twat...

Oct 02, 2007 20:44

Now that's out of my system, it wouldn't let me upload new userpics!!!

Right, have you ever woken up and found yourself still acting out what you were dreaming about?

I woke up twice this morning, first time I had been dreaming about taking off a sweater, the type you have to pull over your head, I awaoke to find myself taking off my duvet, it was rather worrying, so sorted self out, as best as I could and went back to sleep.

Second time, I was seriously worried about my head, because for some unknown reason I was dreaming I was rimming a rabbit... Now I'm perfectly sure I have never entertained thoughts of beastiality despite my prediliction for random kink fic, that is not a kink I find particularly arousing...
So when I wake up and my tongue is still making the same movements it was in my dream... I freak out just a little bit!

Right, so now I've got that out of my system, have to go and try not to have weird dreams... I want nice dreams about Jack Davenport, or Norrington when scruffy in Dead Man's Chest, or Cillian Murphy, or even Jon RIchardson or Russell Howard.

Have a nice evening, hope I haven't totally weirded anyone, aside from myself out...

x x x


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