(no subject)

Nov 24, 2008 01:29

So, thanks to my stupid unplanned Saturday I had to work from 11pm to 5:30am yesterday and from 4pm to 11pm today. I've got final papers, works, etc, etc to be done this week and I covered most of them during this weekend (THANKS GOD)

On Saturday I had a Fanclub meeting, I went and made 32USD thanks to my skills of selling worthless stuff XD

Anyway, then I was supposed to be back home but Misha said "Hey! Let's watch Twilight again!" and I was like "Again? Sorry, no money" and she said she'd invite us! (aka Joely und me). We went to the cinema and watched again INDEED Twilight XD The movie stopped playing at the same part as the one we watched first, lame I know...

So now, we're going to watch it AGAIN on Wednesday because going to the cinema on Wednesday is almost like going for free :D

I never EVER thought I would like the movie, neither the book, but I started reading it and right now I'm about to jump into my bed and read until my eyes die or something XD
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