Signing pics! (+ giveaway)

Sep 18, 2012 09:24

The randomly chosen winner of last week's "What if We Weren't Alone?" giveaway is Valerie Long! Valerie, please send an email with your shipping information and your choice of prize from this list to admin1ATrachelvincentDOTcom and we'll put your prize in the mail.

Thanks so much to everyone who came to see me and Sophie Jordan in San Antonio on Saturday! We had so much fun answering your questions and signing your books! Caren, the B&N events coordinator, sent me most of the pics below (Thanks, Caren!) and I've cropped out the faces of minors, just in case. Safety first, you know... ;)

Above are Sophie and me, answering questions. And struggling with the cap on my water bottle. ;)

Above, I look stupid in mid-word, but it was a great pic of Sophie, so I had to post it! ;)

Here we are signing books for actual teenagers! That's my favorite part, and since I started in adult urban fantasy and I do few signings, interacting with my actual target audience for YA is still something of a thrill for me.

And finally, the picture above is from a reader named Gabby, who really made my day!

If you were there and have any other pictures of the event that you'd like me to share, let me know!

Now for this week's giveaway...

Up for grabs: Winner’s choice of any one print book from my list of prize books.

The details:

  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced here on Monday, Sept 24, 2012.
  • One entry per person.
  • You must be at least 18 years old or have a parent/legal guardian’s permission to enter, and to provide a shipping address if you win.
  • Please allow 2+ weeks for shipping within the continental US and 4+ weeks for shipping outside of the continental US.
  • Void where prohibited.
  • DO NOT type your email address or shipping information into the body of your comment. I don’t need either of those until/unless you win.
  • YOU MUST come back to this blog on Monday, September 3 to see if you win. The winner will not be contacted; s/he must follow the instructions on Monday’s blog post to claim the prize.

How to Enter: Answer the following question (in honor of the signing this past weekend) in the comments of the original post on my main blog. What was the most recent author event/signing you attended? If you've never been to an event, what author would you most like to meet?

Okay, start commenting!

contests, pictures

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