Signing in Houston this weekend!

Jun 25, 2012 11:07

Since Before I Wake will officially be out in paperback tomorrow (US ebooks should download on or by July 1), this is the last week on the US blog tour (I'll be doing a mini-blog tour for the UK release in July) and today's stop includes a tour of Eastlake high school, including all the places where weird stuff has happened recently. The tour guide is Chelsea, the editor of Kaylee's school paper (she's been a minor side character for several books) and the time frame is post-BIW, but the tour doesn't spoil anything from the novel.

If you've read the previous books from the series, you'll probably remember most or all of the events Chelsea refers to during the tour.

In case you've missed them, here are the previous stops on the tour:

Monday, June 11th - Fiktshun (my top 5 favorite-to-write Soul Screamers scenes)
Wednesday, June 13th - Harlequin Paranormal Blog
Friday, June 15th - All Things Urban Fantasy (guest blog--killing characters)

Monday, June 18th - I'm Just Sitting Here and Read (author interview)
Tuesday, June 19th - Book Soulmates (the Soul Screamers love connection/relationship tangle)
Wednesday, June 20th - Late Bloomer Online (birthday guest blog)
Friday, June 22nd - Mimi Valentine (character interview--the Hudson brothers)


Today I'm back at work rewriting WITH ALL MY SOUL, hoping to turn it in on Friday, just in time for my trip to Houston this weekend!

This Saturday afternoon, Jaye Wells and I will be talking and signing books at Murder by the Book in Houston! Come see us! You can find the details here:

Also, Murder By The Book will ship signed copies all over the world, so if you can't make it but want a signed copy of one of my (or one of Jaye's) books, contact the store and they'll tell you how to make that happen.


And, don't forget to enter the current contest for a signed SET of Soul Screamers novels. Details are here.

young adult, guest blog, travel

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