If I Die spoiler chat (+ contest!)

Jun 19, 2012 10:49

I have a fun new contest to announce, but first, there's this!

The final Soul Screamers Reading Challenge spoiler chat will be this Sunday, June 24, at 3 pm Eastern/12 pm (noon) pacific. Those of you in other time zones, fire up your timezone calculators so you don't miss this one. We'll be discussing the first five books of the Soul Screamers series and all 3 novellas/2 short stories, and you can ask me anything about the series (except for BIW spoilers).

Thanks so much to Fiktshun, who put the SSRC together all on her own. I know it was a ton of work and took up a ton of her time, and I can't even express how much all of that means to me. She is truly beyond awesome!

There will be one final spoiler chat (not officially part of the SSRC) next month, when people have had a chance to read Before I Wake, so be on the lookout for that in mid-July.


Now for the new contest!

Today's stop on the Before I Wake blog tour is a crazy little stream-of-consciousness post I wrote about the tangled up relationships in the Soul Screamers series, and how I like the complexity of the character connections. But by the end of the post, I realized I really wanted to add a fun graphic for clarity. A graphic that doesn't exist. So, of course, my next thought went something like, "How can I con my readers into creating that graphic for me?" Which led me to the idea for this contest.

The graphic I wanted but didn't have is a Soul Screamers relationship flow chart.

I happen to lack both artistic ability and graphic manipulation skills, but I know that many, many of my readers are gifted in this area. And even those who aren't should be able to do something fun with this contest.

[Not familiar with flow charts? Do a search for "relationship flow chart" images and look around. There are tons of great examples, which I can't post here, because I don't have permission to use the images.]

Contest details:

What's up for grabs? A complete (so far) set of signed, personalized Soul Screamers novels (US editions, Omnibus vol 1 through Before I Wake).

How can I enter? Create a Soul Screamers relationship flow chart illustrating the relationships between the central characters.

  • The chart must include Kaylee, Tod, Nash, and Sabine, at a minimum, but can also include Emma, Sophie, Aiden, Brendon, Harmony, and as many of the others as you'd like.
  • Your chart can be current through the events in either If I Die or Before I Wake (because we know not everyone will have a copy of BIW yet), but please label your chart accordingly, because relationships DO change a little between the two books.
  • Your chart can include images or original illustrations for the characters, or simple descriptions, or both.
  • Your chart can be hand-drawn or created on your computer.

How can I submit my entry? Email your image as an attachment to adminATrachelvincentDOTcom, with the subject line "SS relationship flow chart."

How will the winner be chosen? If there are more than ten entries, No. 1 and I will pick our top five favorites and will post them here for an open vote. If there are ten or fewer entries, we will pick our favorite and post it here as the winner.

The legalities:

  • Entries must be received by 11:59 pm (central standard time) on Tuesday, June 26, 2012
  • There are no geographical restrictions (if UPS will ship to you, you may enter)
  • There are no age restrictions, but those under 18 must have a parent/guardian's permission to enter and to provide a shipping address if you win
  • Feel free to let your own personality shine through, but all entries must be G-rated (no adult-only content or profanity)
  • Please allow two weeks for shipping within the continental US and four weeks for shipping outside the continental US
  • This contest is void where prohibited

Questions? Leave them in the comments of the corresponding Wordpress post, and I'll update that post as necessary. Feel free to check back for updates and to spread the word about this contest.

young adult, reader involvement, must see, contests

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