I'm going overseas! (+ contest)

May 16, 2012 10:55

As promised, my new travel news...

The Australian Romance Readers Convention has invited me to be one of their keynote speakers for 2013! Which means I'll be in Brisbane, Australia early next March speaking, signing books, and meeting readers! This'll be my first trip out of the US, and I'm very excited! Thanks so much for having me, ARRC!

I am hoping to get to do some sightseeing and maybe another small event or two before the con, but I don't have any concrete plans in place for that yet, but, Australia, I will keep you updated when and if those opportunities arise.


Also, Shadow Bound comes out in less than a week! I'm both nervous and very, very excited. Please note, however, that while May 22 is the release date, Shadow Bound is officially considered a June release, so some stores may not have it on the shelf until June 1. However, in my experience, most stores shelve/sell books early, and most pre-orders ship early as well.

To help get the word out about the release, I'm having a contest. (Winner's choice of a signed copy of both Blood Bound and Shadow Bound OR an early copy of Before I Wake).

NOTE: Raffelcopter doesn't seem to be working at the moment, to my EXTREME frustration. As soon as the problem is resolved, I'll repost the form. Please check back later.

Click the link above for details (includes posting about Shadow Bound during the release week, with an option to post a review for extra entries). You do not have to follow me online to enter, nor do you have to post or tweet about the contest. But you do have to follow the directions listed on the form.


In other, slightly less exciting news, I wrote another 5,200 words on WITH ALL MY SOUL yesterday (including the first kissing scene) and am still pleased with the progress. The most frustrating part for me so far is that it's way to early to share my favorite lines from the manuscript. Here's how my progress looks on the progress bar:

10,327 / 100,000
Questions about the contest or my upcoming Australian appearance? Leave them here...

must see, writing progress, contests, travel

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