2012 appearances (+ winner)

Feb 03, 2012 10:29

I see I've been neglecting my blog again. In my defense, it's been a rough week. But on the bright side, after deleting almost as much as I'd written of Oath Bound, I seem to have finally found some forward momentum. I also had a HUGE epiphany on a side project, which I won't have time to work on until I've met my deadlines, so I'm keeping lots of notes about that. And no, I can't tell you what that is just yet. My CP got an earful on the phone this week, though. ;)

In other news, my UK blog tour kicks off today with a review and an interview at Book Passion For Life. Check that out to read about my favorite characters and find out which book in the series was most difficult to write so far.

Also, Mira Ink (who publishes Soul Screamers in the UK) is giving away five copies of the UK edition of If I Die on their FB page. I got my own copies of the UK version yesterday, and they're gorgeous! They'll be going up on the prize list later today.


In travel news, I'm confirmed for the 2012 Romantic Times Booklovers Convention (my 8th consecutive year!) in Chicago in mid-April, where I'm scheduled for a YA panel on Wednesday, and both the mass signing and an author speed-dating session on Saturday. I'll be signing Blood Bound, the Soul Screamers omnibus, and If I Die.

Things are looking good for TLA this year too, so Texas librarians, I hope to see you there!


Now for this week's International Edition winner!

emmadnz, who wrote: "Haven’t imported any for some time now due to having a kindle but I used to buy books via the book depository."

Emmadnz, please email me (rachelkvincentATgmailDOTcom) with your name, shipping information, and chosen prize, and I'll put your book in the mail.

Everyone else, check back  for the next giveaway and for more stops on my UK blog tour!

unbound, writing progress, travel

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