Did you win?

Jul 27, 2011 14:13

I just emailed all the Blood Bound ARC winners, so if you entered the giveaway yesterday (or this morning) check your email. I didn’t think this would me much of a draw, considering that I now have shiny finished copies, but there was a pretty good (and fast!) response.

The incidental stats always amuse me, so thanks to those who answered the optional question. Which was everyone. According to the stats, 9% of the entries came from 16 & 17 yr olds who had a parent or guardian’s permission to enter, and 3% of the entries came from people who’ve never heard of me or my books before. And there were 40+ entries from people who read my blog or follow me on Twitter, but have never read any of my books. I find that fascinating. I’m not sure why anyone who doesn’t read my books would want to read my blog, but all are welcome here. Except for mean people.

There will be more giveaways leading up to the release, so don’t worry if you didn’t win this one. And to those who did win, you’re not obligated to do anything in return for your prize, but if you do choose to review it, I would greatly appreciate a spoiler-free review. I know it’s tempting to summarize the whole (or most) of the book, but try to keep in mind the fact that “review” and “summary” are not synonyms. I get irritated email from readers who accidentally stumble upon spoilers (which I can’t prevent) and Blood Bound has a twisty-turny plot, which makes its reviews extra-susceptible to spoilers.

Also, if you haven’t seen it yet, there’s still the Double ARC Giveaway going on here.

And…I saw cover concepts for Shadow Bound today! There’s one I really like, and I’m crossing my fingers that it’ll be the one picked. For those who don’t know, a cover concept is a mockup of potential cover art. Today, three of them are being shown off at the Mira offices, so everyone can decide which direction to go. I definitely have a favorite.

If anyone from Mira is reading this… *cough* #3 *cough*

That was totally subliminal, right?

In other news, I logged another 5,100 words on BEFORE I WAKE yesterday, and I’m really thrilled with the progress.

55,328 / 90,000
If this rate of production continues (and I doubt it will) I will be able to finish the entire rough draft in under four weeks. But it’s only flowing this quickly because it’s the sixth book in the series, and I know both the world and the characters very well. Also, I started with a very detailed synopsis, so I know what needs to be written before I sit down to work each day.

But that doesn’t mean there are no surprises. There have already been several variations from my synopsis, and that’s always exciting!

Today I’m getting a very late start, though, so I’ll be happy to hit 3,000 words. Still, that’s progress, right?

young adult, unbound, writing progress, behind the scenes

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