I almost have an office...

Oct 28, 2009 13:06

I took a little break from Alpha yesterday afternoon to work on getting my office set up. I'm not done, but my books are all shelved, which gives me a very warm feeing of satisfaction. I can't wait to get it all put together, but I have to do it in small bursts of activity, because the deadlines call.

In fact, today I got the (electronic) typeset of Shift. This is my last chance to catch mistakes. Once I turn it in, I won't see the book again until I get ARCs and author copies. I can't believe how fast everything seemed to move with this one. Shift is the only book I wrote completely during my short time (11 months) in Louisiana, though I also wrote two short stories and 85,000 words of ALPHA while I was in there. And maybe the last bit of My Soul to Keep. I can't really remember.

Anyway, my real contribution to blogging today is at The Deadline Dames, where I combined my answer to an aspiring author's question with 5 difficult-to-hear truths about publishing. And if you make it through the post, there's a giveaway at the end. ;-)

life, shifters

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