(no subject)

Aug 07, 2007 17:37

okay, so i was just going through a few of my older posts, and i found this, and thought some of you would enjoy it...for those of you who i didn't go to high school with, this is a list of the things that my 10th grade chemistry teacher mrs. martin said that we found super amusing. basically, she's crazy.

martinisms 2003-2004

* you can't be redundant, or the math police will get you.

* if it's too bright in here, you can turn off the windows.

* pi + E = pie!

* that's one of miss rutledge's many talents...writing backwards on the board. no wonder you played softball so well! (rutledge: i never played softball) but i thought everyone played softball.

* i have to leave, i'm seeing spots.

* 1720 ... that's the year the pilgrims landed in the new world, right? plus or minus a few hundred years...kind of like in 1492, columbus sailed the ocean blue.

* say it with me...change the sign on the bottom and add it to the top. now if only eminem could get that going...

* maybe i should have named my kid scott instead of chris.

* who keeps track of those pilgrims anyway?

* 340,000, isn't that the population of the united states? maybe the population of texas...nevada. utah? ...maine?

* how many weeks in an hour? oh wait, maybe i added it wrong.

* you gotta use your touch math, and then plug-n-chug!

* we have an emergency...there's no domain!

* as big as the NYC phone book in the old days...i don't think they make phone books anymore, do they?

* cindy lauper would be proud.

* i bet you got a 100% on your three types of volcanoes test.

* some people think they'll use this math in heaven.

* it's so easy, barney and his friends can do it!

* who invented america, christopher columbus? oh no, that was north america.

* 454...it's a 5 sandwich on 4 bread.

* what other famous people had another name? ice t...kind of like chocolate milk. oh, i was thinking george washington, father of our country.

* i think mcdonalds made the metric system. you know, they have pictures of big macs on their registers.

* 1.00680...what would martha stewart think of such a beautiful number?

* you have extensive use of your up-carrots.

* how many heads does barbie have?

* we used to have a propane tank...there were posts around it so the terrorists couldn't drive their trucks through it.

* the answers are always 1, 2, and 3, you just have to decide their order and which one is negative.

* my middle's a little to the left.

* oh sugarbeans...i should get my coat, right ma'am?

* george washington rode a dinosaur to see the lava flow, right?

* liner algebra applies to everything...except maybe those donuts...anyway, back at the ranch here...

* you may think i have more free time than you do, but i don't have a dishwasher.

* do you know who the vikings were? DEAD WHITE MEN!

* we didn't even have to go to haiti to adopt a class, ma'am!

* did you see the mass suicide of the worms this morning?

oh boy, it all seems like so long ago...
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