For Christmas, KL5PI's cat Gordon (b. 1994) gave me a new series of photos to fortify my counting abilities.
THREE! But notice that pile three is different from piles one and two; so, at a more abstract level, we have three 'piles,' but more specifically we have three piles which contain saliva and perhaps bile but two piles of which additionally contain unchewed food.
Thanks, Gordon!
For Christmas, the baby was recipient of a number of Playmobil sets.
In Delia's words, as she characterized it on the phone while opening the present, 'This is insane!'
In ordering the sets I really just went to the Web site and tried to find something that was cool, and from there to choose sets that related to the original set or could be used with the original set. To me there needed to be strong potential for conversation, and so I ordered
a classroom set, but then I needed lots of kids, and so I ordered a bunch of special sets with kids and animals (or 'a Delia puppet show!', as Delia appropriately named
one set), but those kids were all white, and so I also ordered
the "African/African American family" and
the native American family, so that her classroom can be a little closer to real life (not that there are any kids sporting feathers or leggings or kachina dolls in her class, but she's made comments about not wanting to tell others that she's a native for fear that they'll respond like Christopher Columbus, which is obviously a bit unsettling: I told her everyone loves the natives, that people don't really think about it and that it's good to have native status because it means one (i.e., she) can live in Mexico, Canada or the United States and can go to college for free).
And I also got some nature sets, to remind her of home (
the ranger with an M-16 is a bit overboard, but there were nice animals in the set, too).
Since new year's eve I have been watching Twin Peaks, and I should have known from seeing the first season and a half that it would be a mistake to watch a couple of episodes before bed Friday night, because it scared the crap out of me and I was afraid to go to sleep for a little while. If you haven't seen it but have seen Mulholland Drive, it's like Mulholland Drive but less insular and not quite as depressing, the stories are tighter and make more sense (while at the same time making a greater appeal to the supernatural) and it comes in easy 45-minute pieces. (Apparently Lynch made Mulholland Drive as a TV pilot, which was rejected and subsequently turned into a movie, which would explain a why number of plot lines didn't go anywhere and seemed unmotivated and the ending perfunctory.) And as KL5PI told me, "Just think when you're watching it that this was on prime time network television in the nineties." How far we've since fallen!
And that's about it. I still work at a job and get paid. I still live in a country that isn't America. I still have a lot of debt and have not won the lottery. I am developing
more solid plans for when I win the lottery, but I don't have a good plan for the scenario where I don't win the lottery, which I will need to work on. 2009 is going to suck in a number of ways--luck to us all! Stay ever vigilant-- /B/